Compressed Natural Gas Transport System
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Consortium meetings to mark the project progress

On November 25th , 2020 the 6th Consortium General Assembly and 11th Executive Board Meeting took place. In compliace with the COVID measures acorss Europe, the meeting was held via web conference. All partners participated in the virtual meeting which allowed the project parners to be updated on the the most relevant progress of the Work Packages.

The coordinator, Navalprogetti opened the meeting with a brief welcome statement and updates on the second reporting period. Then the main activities and results over the last period were discussed and the most important actions were agreed upn. Risk and contingency plans were also presented for each work package to ensure the project will run smoothly.

WP4 Pre-Industrial Prototyping:  BMP and CNGV updated the consortium partners on th estaus of the pilot line, which has been completed and commissioned. The planned tests are in progress by CNGV with the assistance of BMP:

  • The hydroforming test was carried out for 6 liners;
  • CNGV defined the final and fixed geometry of the last 3 liners.
  • Winding and curing process set up and preliminary burst tests have been carried out with liner nr. 4
  • Liner nr. 5 is ready for autofrettage process and fatigue test.

WP7 Costs and Benefits Analysis: SINTEF OCEAN highlighted the methodology and the work done so far on the Cost-Benefit analysis and set out the remaining actions. As this analysis touches on the work of other work packages, a round table session will be organised shortly.

WP8 Class Design Review and Safety Assessment: ABS outlined the status of the tasks in WP 8, where the technical studies have been completed and the report of the HAZID Workshop has been reveiwed and published. ABS will organise the HAZOP workshop early 2021.

WP9 Exploitation and Dissemination: led by PNO informed the consortium partners of the need to define more effective dissemination actions during the last year of the project. During the OMC conference, an extra exploitation workshop will be organised with the objecive to maximise the outreach of Gasvessel to relevant stakeholders.

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723030.